3 Bobtail-Kaffeebecher
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Text auf den 0,3 l fassenden Kaffeebechern aus Keramik:
The Old English Sheepdog
The "Old English Sheepdog" is also known in some countries as "The Bobtail". Old English Sheepdogs are distinctive the world over with their long, shaggy coats covering thickset bodies. Their eyes appear to be totally covered but they can in fact see. From behind, their walk is a bear-like roll and when trotting show they move smoothly. It is a descendant of several breeds that are difficult to trace. It is known, however, that the Old English Sheepdog has a reliable and balanced nature. They are real country dogs who need a lot of room and exercise. They are very good gurad dogs and they possess a natural instinct to protect children that are under their care. The Bobtail looks after them carefully and patiently.

Bestell-Nr. 201165
Preis für 3 Stück (= 1 Packung) (inkl. MwSt.) 19,90 EUR
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